We are pleased to offer you this fabulous business opportunity. This Popular Restaurant is located in the desirable Urbanization of La Finca Golf in Algorfa. A very sought after area due to the 5 Star Golf and Spa Resort, La Finca attracts plenty of tourists of all nationalities who come back year after year. Between summer seasons and golf seasons, there is never a dull moment! At the Commercial Centre there are several other bars and restaurants, accommodating for many all-year-round residents within the local area. The premises are located on the 1st floor of the commercial centre with lift access. This particular opportunity comprises of two rented units. The first and second have been joint forming the restaurant, offering a spacious interior dining area, fully fitted bar, male & female toilets, fully fitted kitchen, wash room and handy upstairs storage. This popular establishment is perfect also for holding functions as can cover up to 100 people inside! Including a large kitchen with all stock and equipment included! The large terrace area covers both units, seating approx. 70. It has roof and side awnings allowing you to make good use of the space all year round. For more details on rent and contract info please enquire.
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Référence: SRCC1-29903 PRIX: 55.000€
We are pleased to offer you this fabulous business opportunity. This Popular Restaurant is located in the desirable Urbanization of La Finca Golf in Algorfa. A very sought after area due to the 5 Star Golf and Spa Resort, La Finca attracts plenty of tourists of all nationalities who come back year after year. Between summer seasons and golf seasons, there is never a dull moment! At the Commercial Centre there are several other bars and restaurants, accommodating for many all-year-round residents within the local area. The premises are located on the 1st floor of the commercial centre with lift access. This particular opportunity comprises of two rented units. The first and second have been joint forming the restaurant, offering a spacious interior dining area, fully fitted bar, male & female toilets, fully fitted kitchen, wash room and handy upstairs storage. This popular establishment is perfect also for holding functions as can cover up to 100 people inside! Including a large kitchen with all stock and equipment included! The large terrace area covers both units, seating approx. 70. It has roof and side awnings allowing you to make good use of the space all year round. For more details on rent and contract info please enquire.